Thanksgiving Freestanding Lace Bookmark

Dear Friends,
Time stands still for no man and it certainly isn’t standing still for me.  In fact, I think God has put time on double speed for me as 2013 has certainly flown by.  It has been a busy year, rough in many ways and blessings in others.  The fact that it has passed by so quickly, I don’t think I really got to appreciate all the blessings I’ve received.  I must say I am praying for a slower 2014.  We never know what the future holds for us, but I have been making plans and those plans include things that are good and beautiful and just in line with God’s design.  It includes slowing down so that I can take time to smell the roses or as with Thanksgiving, smell the turkey and pumpkin pie!  That said though, He, may have other plans for me and if that is the case, I will accept what He brings my way and count my blessings.  I just hope His plans include plenty of machine embroidery because mine certainly do.  🙂

I L-O-V-E Thanksgiving.  I think as I’ve gotten older it has become my favorite holiday.  I like Christmas a lot too, but what I love about Thanksgiving is that it is a time for family to get together and just be.  Just be ourselves, just be together.  Yes there is a whole lot of cooking going on, but there is not the hustle and bustle of buying gifts, wrapping, decorating, parties and on and on and on.  It is about just family, gratitude and just being.

Have you read the book 1000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp?  I’ve read it a couple of times now.

She blogs over at A Holy Experience and I’ve been reading her blog for several years.  You can read her story in her book, but a quick synopsis, in the book and on her blog, she challenges us to see the gifts, the beauty God gives us each and every day in all the little things in our lives.

I have so many things to be thankful for and Thanksgiving is a very special day in my year to celebrate my blessings.  I am thankful for you, my readers, that you take the time to read my blog and say Hi to me.  Thank you.

May each and every one of you have a blessed and beautiful Thanksgiving.  We will be spending it at my brother’s home and it will be full of family.  I have missed my girls so much, I can’t wait to see them in a few days.  My dad and mom, with her new knee will be there.  My sister-in-law will be doing much of the cooking and I will jump in the kitchen and help out any way I can.  As a thank you, I made Shawna this bookmark so she can keep track of her recipes.  The bookmark is from Anita Goodesign and it is from the Lace Bookmarks cd.  You all know I’m fond of FSL projects.

So a very Happy Thanksgiving to each and every one of you.
Love and blessings,