The embroidery challenge this month over at You Can Digitize is doing this sweet Jacobean design. The biggest problem it posed was figuring out which areas of the design needed to be stitched first so that the other areas could be built upon the design in a logical manner. I didn’t get too creative as it is mostly done with a satin fill stitch. The biggest thing I focused on other than the order for it to be stitched in was to get travel stitches positioned correctly so that they did not show and that there were no jump stitches. When moving from one area of the design to another of the same color I was usually able to hide the travel stitches under the stem. Once again, everyone in the challenge did this same design. I look forward to seeing what others came up with. It is amazing how everyone gets to digitize the same artwork and yet how different everyone’s designs turn out in the end.
Embroidery Blessings Everyone,