Embroidery It Exercise Inspirational Cuff

Dear Friends,

I created this cuff to help keep me moving.  It is way to easy for me to sit for far too long at the computer.  Because of this and because of my age the weight has been slowly creeping on over the years.  Oh I know how to take it off.  I’m a lifetime member of Weight Watchers.  I used to work as a nurse for Physician’s Weight Loss Centers.  Doing what I should be doing is the hard thing.  I’ve taken up golf and I even joined a gym and have been going faithfully every day for three weeks.  My weight hasn’t budged a bit.  It’s frustrating because you would think with all this exercise I would have noticed at least a tiny bit.

Embroidery It Eat Healthy Inspirational Cuff

I need to wear my Eat Healthy cuff more.  It is my favorite cuff as I love the fabric I used so much.  I like sweets.  Actually, I just like food.  I need all the inspiration and reminders I can get.  Both the Eat Healthy cuff and the Exercise cuff are available over at my Etsy shop in PES format.

Hugs and blessings to you all,
