Maple Leaf Applique Embroidered Quilt Block

Working on New Website

Dear Friends,
I’m currently knee-deep working on my new website here.  I’m moving everything over from my BlogSpot blog, to here.  Just want to show you my latest creation and hope it is a bit of eye candy for you.
Embroidery Blessings,

Celebrating the First Day of Spring with a New Machine Embroidery T-Shirt

Celebrating First Day of Spring with a new Machine Embroidery T-Shirt

Embroidery design from Embroidery Library.

Dear Friends,
So it is the first day of spring!

As I look outside my window I see a blanket of snow that is still a good 12″ deep.  The streets are clear though and under the trees where the branches protected the ground I am seeing grass!  🙂
The chipmunks, or ground squirrels, are out as of a few days ago and I watched six of them scamper back and forth over the snow.  The robins are showing up as well as more birds singing.  I know this winter won’t last forever.  As I walk our dog more life is showing.  Even when we had the coldest of winter days, God gave me some beauty to look at.  There were beautiful red cardinals and deer would walk right up to the house.  Poor things were hungry and I’d set out carrot peelings and cores of cauliflower and cabbage.  I’m sure now they are finding more food.  Oh, and I saw two swans in the river now that the river is not frozen over.  Beauty!

So in celebration of the first day of spring, I made myself a long sleeve t-shirt with a robin.  I hope you are enjoying spring in your neck of the woods.


Embroidery It Rick Rack Applique Quilt Designs


Clay’s Choice Applique Quilt Block
Dear Friends,
Today has been a very big and exciting day for me!  I have launched the first two of my very own designs!
Nine Patch Applique Quilt Block

I have been working hard at digitizing and have put together these sweet applique quilt squares.  I’ve worked on getting the in’s and out’s just so and making sure the cover stitches cover like they should.

This was all done by me by hand.  I drew out the design and created the rick rack cover stitch by hand.  No auto digitizing here.  I wanted to make sure you would all get the best results!

Currently they are available only in PES format and the designs fit in the 4 x 4 hoop.  Can’t you just imagine these on an apron pocket or kitchen towel?  How about the pastel nine patch below on a baby blanket or burp cloth?

I have many more quilt squares planned that I am working on.  I must say, I have a new appreciation for digitizers and what goes on behind the scenes to enable the designs to get to you!

Most importantly though, I have been having fun.  We are still up to our knees in snow so digitizing has kept me busy this winter and I can’t describe the good feeling of satisfaction I’ve had in watching my very own designs go from imagination to stitching out.

I will let you in on a little secret.  I’m also working behind the scenes here in getting my very own website up.  Squeal!!!  It may be some time yet, but I’m working on it.

Thank you for letting me toot my horn here.  I look forward to sharing more of my creations with you.

Warm hugs and Embroidery blessings,

Generations March Digitizing Challenge

Generations March Digitizing Challenge

Dear Friends,
This month, over at You Can Digitize, the Generations challenge has been on using the area tool.  We were all instructed to digitize this fish which certainly reminds me of Nimo.  He is a happy little guy!
I used a zig-zag pattern in the fish that I hope will be interpreted as fish scales.
The only two tools in the program that we were allowed to use were the area tool and the line tool which we had used last month to digitize the redwork teapot.  HERE is a link to my blog post if you would like to go back and see the teapot.
These are good challenges as they get me really working with the software and learning all the idiosyncrasies of what is involved in digitizing.

I’ll have more of my digitizing to show you very soon!!

Finally, with all this crazy snow, and I think we have had about 120″ now, we have had some leaks in our basement since the snow is starting to thaw.  Unfortunately they have been in my sewing room.  🙁

I’ve set up a table in Emily’s bedroom, since she is away at college, and set up my embroidery shop there.  She has a large window that faces the front of the house so stitching in her room is really quite pleasant.

The leaks are thankfully slow, just a seepage, but still.  Frustrating.  Mike cut out some of the drywall in my sewing room and we have the floor trim pulled off and carpet pulled back.  Just as we were finishing the other work in the basement remodel this happens.  Always something.  The leaks should be sealed this next week then Mike can replace the drywall and trim.  We will put new carpet padding down and I’m hoping a professional carpet clean will do the trick and the existing can be replaced.

That’s it for today.  Here in Michigan the sun is shining and only a medium weight jacket is needed this afternoon.  Yeah!!

Embroidery Blessings Everyone,

Embroidery It – A Time of Lent

Embroidery It – Time of Lent

Dear Friends,

Today is an important day on the Christian calendar as it is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent.  It is a time of preparation for Easter the highest of Holy Days. It is a time of repentance and prayer. Many people use this season to give up something as a sacrifice and to offer that sacrifice up to God. For many years, I have taught religion, this year to first graders, and I would speak to them about Lent and having a Lenten resolution. Those children can come up with some thoughtful answers. “I’m going to share my toys every day.” “I’m going to help my mother every day with chores.” “I’m going to pray every day.” Some I’m sure have heard their parents speak about what they are doing for lent and will say, “I’m not going to watch TV,” “I’m not going to eat candy,” and so on. I really stress to them, and to my own children that this is a time not just of sacrifice, but a time to keep Christ first and foremost in our thoughts and in our actions. It is a time to work on becoming closer to Christ and becoming a better person.
I’ve been giving prayerful consideration over the past few weeks as to what I would do this year for my Lenten resolution.  For the next 40 days I’ve decided to focus on surrendering.  Surrendering my day to Christ to let His will be done through me, surrendering that His will be done, not my will be done.

Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness in preparation for what was to come.  May we use this season of Lent to prepare our hearts for Christ’s ultimate gift, his death and resurrection so that we may have eternal life with Him.  May Jesus remain at the forefront of my thoughts and may His light shine through me.

Last night we had a beautiful celebration as our son Tim was confirmed into the Roman Catholic Church.  I am so incredibly proud of him as I am of all our children.

Our daughter Emily was his sponsor.  She flew in from New Mexico for three days to be with him during this holy event.

Finally, Mike and I have just returned from Oklahoma City to visit our daughter Katie.  She deploys to Kuwait tomorrow.  She is proud to go, but mama here is not so excited.  I guess Kuwait is probably one of the safer places to be deployed to so for that I am grateful.  I am keeping her picture up here on the blog.  When you see it, would you lift her up in prayer as well as all our service men and women.  As I’ve read, “Home of the free because of the brave.”  It is so true and I am so thankful for their service.
As for machine embroidery, I’ve done bits and pieces and I’m working hard at digitizing that I will be sharing with you soon.  For now though, I’m enjoying precious time with family.
Love and blessings to you all,

Teaching Machine Embroidery

Teaching Machine Embroidery

Dear Friends,
I’m just beyond thrilled because I am going to begin teaching machine embroidery at our local sewing shop Lakeshore Sewing.  Teaching is a true passion of mine so to teach machine embroidery has me over-the-moon with joy.  My first project will be this personalized casserole carrier.  What a fun way to bring a dish to your next pot luck.  The carrier also serves as an identifier so everyone knows who brought the yummy dish and operates as a hot pad while the food is being served.  The carrier is perfect for a 9 x 12 casserole dish or cake pan.
Focus will be on design placement and using our machine specialty fonts and stitches to personalize.  And if you forgot how to make buttonholes – never fear, we will get some practice with those as well.
The design I used here is from Julia’s Needle Designs and is in the freebie section.

The wooden spoon cleverly holds the carrier together.  This idea was inspired by Janay.

As a bonus, we will personalize our wooden spoon handles.  Wouldn’t it be a sweet gift for someone by baking them a cake, then personalizing the carrier and spoon for them as complete package.
For those of you in the Grand Rapids area…or if you would like to travel….Class is March 25th at Lakeshore Sewing at the Knapps Corner location.  Just click on the link to contact them and register.  We will have so much fun and I would be thrilled to see you!
Embroidery Blessings,

A Great Thread Tip for Machine Embroiderers

A Great Thread Tip for Machine Embroiderers

Dear Friends,
I have learned a thread tip that I’m implementing right away and here it is…

Limit your thread selection.

What you see in the photo above is my thread collection.  Actually that isn’t even all of it, I have about another 40 spools that aren’t on the pegboard.  I guess I have a thread addiction and it needs to stop.  You can easily see in the photo that I have quite a few pinks and reds.  Why, oh why, do I need every shade.  I don’t.

I’m using up my thread and then I’m limiting the colors I purchase from here on out.  I’m limiting them to 50 colors – tops.  Four shades of one color is sufficient.  I don’t need 50 shades of gray!  I have my favorite colors I often reach for and many times, the other colors just sit and collect dust {not good for our sewing machines.}

There are several benefits to cutting back on all the color choices.  By limiting thread colors, this will save me time on thread selection.  I will easily know which colors I need to re-order.  When someone visits and wants something special done for them, fewer selections will make the selection process easier for them as well.  It will save $$$ by not buying willy-nilly and then just having the colors sit unused.

Have you ever considered limiting your thread selection?  I’ve heard of several people doing this with good results and I can really see the benefits of doing so.  Definitely something I am doing.

Embroidery Blessings,

Valentine’s Day Machine Embroidered Towels

Valentine’s Day Machine Embroidered Towels

Happy Valentine’s Day Friends,

As a Valentine’s day gift for Mike I embroidered these towels.  Our old towels were at the point you could almost see through them.  Mike mentioned how we should get some new ones and he wanted some that were oversized.  I found these at Sam’s Club or Costco.  I’m sorry I don’t remember which as I bought them a month ago.  The towels are really large and called a bath sheet.  Oh they are so soft.  I couldn’t give them to him without a bit of machine embroidery bling!  🙂

The designs come from Anita Goodesign and the CD is titled Vintage Elegance.  The birds and parts of the flowers are applique and I chose some pretty scraps of fabric that remind me of spring.  The picture below was taken in our backyard yesterday.  I haven’t been complaining about the snow but this is getting a bit ridiculous.

For those of you who have been affected by the severe storms throughout the country, please know our family is praying for your safety and that you may have heat and electricity.

So, Mike was quite happy with his Valentine’s day gift.  I moved the dining table over in front of the fireplace and made him an extra yummy, romantic surf and turf supper and He gave me a box of chocolates and a card.  Sweet man.  He even helped me with the dishes.  I’ll keep him.  🙂  I hope you all were able to share Valentine’s day with the one you love.

With love and blessings to you all,
Won’t you please be my Valentine?

Be Mine Snowflake


Dear Friends,
I’ve been busy playing and learning my Generations digitizing software and making these fun word flowers and snowflakes.  Look closely at the picture above.  Can you read what word has been used to create the image?

In the coaster here I thought “Be Mine” was appropriate for Valentine’s Day.  I stitched both of these on felt and for the bottom one, I’ve attached some white rick-rack to the edge for a sweet look.

Embroidery Blessings,

Machine Embroidery Applique LOVE Towel

Sunday, February 9, 2014

This was a fun applique towel to make.  Fabric is from JoAnn’s.  Design is from GG Designs Embroidery and it is one of her free designs.  What I like so much about it is that the applique is not done with just a plain satin stitch.  I like the decorative stitching around the fabric.
Perfect for Valentine’s Day!
Embroidery Blessings,

Machine Embroidery Valentine Card

Machine Embroidery Valentine Card

I belong to a group in which there are new digitizers {like myself}.  Sometimes people in the group will offer their designs for free.  It is a great way for digitizers to learn and test and get feedback.  You can see in this design that the filled part of the red heart does not match up with the outline around the heart.  It is a learning process and this girl or guy who designed it is off to a great start but it just needs a bit of tweaking.  I’m learning there are a lot of things to consider when creating a design and it all takes practice.  Even though this isn’t a perfect design, I’m still in awe because I’m not at that level yet.  I’m learning though and I’m thankful to all who share because each time I learn something new.
As I mentioned in a previous post, I’m doing the digitizing challenges over at You Can Digitize and this month the challenge is on doing redwork.  Here are a couple of practice teapots that I digitized!  Yes, I’m doing the happy dance because I did these teapots from scratch.  I’m going to work on them some more today.  The above were stitched on some junk scraps of stabilizer.
Here is my finished teapot stitched out on white cotton.  I’m ready to submit it for the challenge.  I added a bit of steam and I changed the flowers just a bit in the center to me more to my liking.   BTW…everyone in the challenge did this teapot.
Every day I learn more and more about my Generations software and practice makes perfect or at least close to perfect.
Happy Embroidering,

Generations Digitizing Challenges

Generations Digitizing Challenges
Hi Friends,
Just a note to let you know that Holly and Larry over at You Can Digitize are hosting  a challenge a month starting now in Feb. and continuing through the end of the year to help us improve our digitizing skills.  The contests are open to anyone with Generations software.  I also belong to their digitizing membership group to have access to their webinars, videos and forum.  Generations software certainly has a learning curve to it, but it is one of my goals to master, well at least work on, this year.

I’ve been working diligently on my digitizing skills and am excited to be participating in the challenges.  It’s getting me using my software and learning all the nuances about it.

Let me know if you are joining in on the challenge so I can say “Hi” and we can help support one another.  Barb at Stitch n Mouse has joined me.  She is a sweet lady and already knows and uses other digitizing software and is now learning Generations.  Golly, I’ll be happy to learn just one software well.

Embroidery Blessings,

Machine Embroidery Valentine’s Day Cards

Machine Embroidery Valentine’s Day Cards

Dear Friends,
Valentine’s Day is fast approaching and I’ve been having a ball stitching up these Valentine cards for the loved ones in my life.  I can’t get over how  well the small heart fit perfectly on the flap of the envelope!  Just makes me smile.  I know I would love to receive a card like this in the mail.

These designs are from  Michelle at Needle Little Embroidery.  I’m so pleased with how they turned out.

To get the heart centered on the flap, on this particular design, the outline of the heart stitches first.  (That is one of the nice things about Michelle’s designs.  This helps prevent puckering if you are stitching on fabric by doing the outline first.)  So I hooped my stabilizer and stitched the heart on just the stabilizer.  Then I held the stabilizer up to the window and placed the envelope flap right where I wanted it.  I used the light shining through the window to guide my placement.  Then I used just a small bit of masking tape to tape the envelope in place to the stabilizer.  I backed up my stitching and stitched the outline again along with the rest of the design on the envelope.

The design above is stitched on cardstock but honestly I wouldn’t recommend it.  I was just lucky here.  The satin stitches were beginning to tear and I put everything carefully in place for the picture.  Just too many needle punches through paper to do satin stitches.

Much love to all of you and I want to thank each of you who leave comments or send me an e-mail.  So glad to have you reading.  Sending you a {{{hug}}}

Embroidery It on Pinterest

Embroidery It on Pinterest

Embroidery It by Nancy JacobsSummer Garden pattern on  Love the machine embroidery on the white stripsBalsamic Strawberries - An easy way to serve strawberriesFavor Bags For Weddings & More with Renaissance Ribbons | Sew4HomePhotobucketRe-imagine & Renovate: Renaissance Ribbons' Fold-Over Ribbon Wallet | Sew4HomeMake your own cloth napkinsRibbon Zippered Purse Tutorial - A Spoonful of SugarHanging Planter with 3 slots for herbs, flowers, vegetables - Hang anywhere & easily move to sunlight or | essentialoilblogging - Recipe for poison Ivygeode brightscolor swimchilled huesAutoimmune Paleo Creamy Crockpot Lemon Chicken Kale SoupOrder ISWF on AmazonPaleo Pad Thai30 Slow Cooker Dishes that are Whole 30 friendly from #paleo #whole30 #glutenfreeButternut Squash SoupSlow Cooker Italian Beef with Spicy GiardinieraTaco Meateaster huesDIY Foaming Hand Soap ($1 for an entire year of soap) - Balancing Beauty and BedlamDoily Flower Bag | Sew Mama Sew |Little Sunshine Hanging Diaper Stacker | Sew4HomeRustic Wedding Redux: Two-Tone Burlap Table Runner | Sew4Home  I really like how they used a decorative stitch in the burlap runner.Delicious Pear Crumble Dessert RecipeChili Cheese Squares IntroNailing a Corner - The Avid EmbroidererBeautifulCuteSew This Handy Ironing Board Caddy - Fantastic Tutorial!storage pincushionThis is a name tag but the design would work well for a quilt block, needle book, sewing machine cover..will use this one!Cute on the tags from OESDFlip & Sew Carrot Table Runner | AllPeopleQuilt.compigmented palettesucculent springmental vacationfeathered huesshuttered huesdried tonesdessert huesa door toneslantern hueshummingbird huescut huescolor fabricsucculent huesindulgent hues6a0120a6769b0c970c014e86cb7e3a970d-800wiSalted Caramel Cobbler in the Slow CookerSee On

I have had a love affair with Pinterest from the first day we met.  I’ve heard people say, “I just don’t get the whole Pinterest thing.” If that is you, let me describe how I view Pinterest.  Maybe you will see why I like it so much.

The way I look at Pinterest is that it is like my own personal magazine.  I buy a lot of magazines.  I love to read them, I love the inspiration I get from them.  I tear out articles, recipes and ideas from their pages and those torn out pages usually get moved from place to place in the house creating clutter.  Eventually they either get filed or thrown away.  Then it always happens, I can’t find the article or recipe when I want to lay my hands on it.

With Pinterest, I’m able to collect those inspirational tidbits from the web all in one place and I can easily locate them when needed.  I just create a board for each subject that I’m interested in.  When I want to be inspired, I flip through my Pinterest boards and there is always something to spark my creativity.  By the way, I’ve got plenty of machine embroidery inspiration on my Pinterest boards.

Have you tried Pinterest yet?  It’s free and it’s fun!

Click on the Pinterest logo above or click HERE and it will link you to my Pinterest site, follow me if you like, and you can see what inspires me around the big wide web.  It just might inspire you too!


Machine Embroidery on a Long Sleeve T-shirt for Me!

Machine Embroidery on a Long SleeveT-shirt for Me!

Dear Friends,
I was going to my quilt class and wanted to jazz up my plain outfit.  I thought a sewing machine was perfect considering what we were doing.  I’d had this design for some time but had not used it on anything.  Today was the day.  🙂  Embroidery design from Embroidery Library.  One more quilt class this week then I will show you the finished table runner.
Blessings and as always stay warm!  We’ve had another 6 inches of the white stuff here in Michigan.

Machine Embroidery on Thermal Shirts

Machine Embroidery on Thermal Shirts

Today is my sweetheart’s birthday.  I found a couple of thermal shirts at our local Meijer, on clearance no less, and stitched an airplane on it.  The plane design was from Embroidery Library.  Then I added some words using my Generations software.  I used cut-away stabilizer underneath the design and a Solvy wash-away stabilizer on top.  Mike got his pilot’s license last year and loves flying.  I’ve got the shirts wrapped up and will give them to him tonight at supper.  It’s a good day.  “Happy Birthday my sweet Mike!”

The above shirt says “PILOT.”

Stay warm friends!
Embroidery Blessings,

Machine Embroidery On a Pocket

Machine Embroidery On a Pocket

Hi Friends,
Yesterday was a sad day as I put our Emily on a plane to head back to Albuquerque for school for another semester.  I have so enjoyed having her home for the past month.  She is such a blessing to this mama.  Keep her in your prayers as well as our daughter Katie who is getting ready to deploy to Kuwait in early March.

Quick post here.  I embroidered several items for Emily.  Unfortunately I didn’t get pictures of them all and these are just a couple of quick shots.  She got pajamas for Christmas and wanted her initial on the pocket.  The only way for me to get it on the pocket and still keep it as a usable pocket was to remove the stitching on one side and across the bottom.  This allowed the pocket to be placed flat on the embroidery hoop.  Once the “E” was stitched out I then re-sewed the pocket to the pajamas.  I was really pleased with how well the pocket looked as I don’t think you could ever tell I took some of the stitching out.  The pajamas have some silver metallic thread stripes in the fabric so I stitched her initial in silver metallic.

The letter “E” was one that was built into my machine.  The pajamas had been through the wash and not pressed for this picture.  Sorry for the wrinkles but take my word it looks good.

My oldest baby Katie getting ready for deployment.  She is one tough cookie.
I’m so proud of my girls and love them so much.  I miss them terribly.  I know life isn’t meant to stay the same but gosh I’m having such a hard time letting them go.  Life is not the same with such an empty house.  Sigh.
Many blessings,

Machine Embroidery Digitizing on an Existing Image

Machine Embroidery Digitizing on an Existing Image

Dear Friends,
I did this towel as a special gift.  The heart with dog tags is from Lynnie Pinnie.  I purchased the blank heart with dog tags design and then I digitized the lettering and added it.  It reads, “Some Heroes Wear Capes, My Hero Wears Combat Boots.”  Then I added the name to the dog tag. The inspiration for this design comes from Stitched By Janay.

With the move to Michigan and all the activity around here, I had set my Generations software aside.  It was so much fun to get it out and create.  You will probably soon be seeing more of my work having digitizing added to it.  🙂

Embroidery Blessings,

Embroidery Related Christmas Gifts

Embroidery Related Christmas Gifts

Good Morning Friends,
I just realized I hadn’t shared with you some Christmas gifts I received from some of the sweetest gals on this planet.  A huge thank you for your kindness and generosity.  I was beyond thrilled at these gifts.  🙂

First from my dear Mother-In-Law Ann, I received these Anita Goodesign Holiday Packs!  It’s a total of 9 collections in these two packs.  I’m so excited to stitch these out.  Actually I already started on one of them.

Next from one of my closest friends Vicki, I received an JoAnn’s gift card.  I went a little crazy at JoAnn’s getting their Christmas fabric while it was on clearance.  There are holiday placemats fabric panels, a stitched advent calendar panel and just some super cute fabric in here.  Remember that quilt class I signed up for?  I went to it the other night and started using some of the fabric you see here.  I can’t wait to show you my finished quilt in a few weeks.

Finally, a dear friend, Martha Ann, who I met this past year through my blog here sent me some wonderful items to decorate my home.  I opened up the package to see a lovely stitched bag and inside the bag were these lace goodies.  They are Anita Goodesign – Love their stuff!  Martha blogs over at Just Another Thread so you can pop over and see what she is currently creating.  The internet is a wonderful thing to allow me to meet such wonderful women who enjoy machine embroidery and creativity.

Thank you again ladies for your kindness.  I love these gifts and I love you too!
My embroidery machine has been on overtime lately.  In fact, last night I thought I broke the tension on it.  The upper tension was not tightening at all even though the thread was seated well in the tension disks.  I just had it in for service. 🙁  I took the cover off my machine and couldn’t find anything to be causing me such grief.  Finally, the simple act of turning it off and on seemed to get the tension disks to start operating again.  I’m a little nervous to try it again this morning but I have to do my homework for my quilting class, so machine please don’t fail me now!
Embroidery blessings everyone,
Much Love,