Embroidery It Be Courageous Inspirational CuffDear Friends,

Be Courageous!  Shoot for the stars, step out of your comfort zone!  You will be reminded of this as you wear the Be Courageous cuff.  This machine embroidery cuff is made in-the-hoop with only one hooping.

Friends, when I was a little girl I would literally hide behind my mother.  I was incredibly shy and it took me a long time to get over that.  Still to this day I have to stretch myself.  I never want to create waves and I absolutely hate confrontation even when it is necessary.  It is easy for my stomach to get tied up in knots when doing something new.  Even things like this website.  You have been hearing me talk about it a lot lately.  Doing this website is out of my comfort zone as it is new and I want to do it right.  Dealing with it is a challenge I have to face head on.  I know that may not make sense to some of you but it is how I feel.

So Be Courageous.  Whatever fear you are facing, take a deep breath and move forward.

Embroidery Blessings everyone!
