You’ve been hearing me speak of the embroidery challenges I’m involved in over at You Can Digitize. Here is my latest entry. The challenge this month was applique and we were all given this penguin artwork to digitize into an applique.
I did the entire design in felt. The black felt is glitter felt so it has a bit of sparkle to it. I’m all about the bling!
With doing the design in felt, it created a natural puffiness so the cheeks and lips have more puff as the needle had to stitch through several layers of felt.
Finally, the eyes are a stitch on google eye that I got at JoAnn’s.
Digitizing an applique requires you to think through the design and start the stitching process with the part of the design that is the farthest back. Then you stitch each added layer.
It was a lot of fun! I’ve been working on an applique alphabet as well. I will be showing it to you very soon!!!
Creative Embroidery Blessings everyone,