Celebrating First Day of Spring with a new Machine Embroidery T-Shirt
Dear Friends,
So it is the first day of spring!
As I look outside my window I see a blanket of snow that is still a good 12″ deep. The streets are clear though and under the trees where the branches protected the ground I am seeing grass! 🙂
The chipmunks, or ground squirrels, are out as of a few days ago and I watched six of them scamper back and forth over the snow. The robins are showing up as well as more birds singing. I know this winter won’t last forever. As I walk our dog more life is showing. Even when we had the coldest of winter days, God gave me some beauty to look at. There were beautiful red cardinals and deer would walk right up to the house. Poor things were hungry and I’d set out carrot peelings and cores of cauliflower and cabbage. I’m sure now they are finding more food. Oh, and I saw two swans in the river now that the river is not frozen over. Beauty!
So in celebration of the first day of spring, I made myself a long sleeve t-shirt with a robin. I hope you are enjoying spring in your neck of the woods.