Embroidery it Easter Lollipop Holder 4Embroidery It Easter Lollipop Holder 3

Dear Friends,

I’m trying to grow my little business here and I’m asking for your help.  Would you please share the word about Embroidery It with your embroidery friends.  It would seriously mean the world to me.  As a special thank you to all of my newsletter subscribers, I will have these two Easter Lollipop Holders available as an instant download.  You will need to be subscribed to the newsletter to get the link which will be in the March 13th newsletter.

Embroidery It Easter Lollipop Holder 1

Embroidery It Easter Lollipop Holder 2

Embroidery It Easter Lollipop Holder 5

The free embroidery designs are made entirely in-the-hoop using your 4 x 4 hoop.

Again, thank you, to each an every one of you.  Your support is a blessing to me and my family.
