Terms Of Use


Embroidery It produces designs that you will not find elsewhere.  All artwork is original.  Designs are copyrighted and anyone using Embroidery It designs are to abide by the terms of use listed below.

Terms of Use:

1.  You may sell the finished {sewn out} designs for profit. There is no limit as to how many you can sew and sell as long as YOU are the one doing the sewing.  The purchase of these designs is not intended for mass manufacturing.
2. If possible, a link to Embroidery It is always appreciated.
3.  Do not sell, trade, reproduce, share or take credit for the design file or artwork.  Please send anyone wanting designs back to the Embroidery It website.
4.  The submission of customer photographs gives Embroidery It permission to post photographs on the website or in social media.  Embroidery It will give photo credit to the customer.
5.  Thank you for abiding by these terms.